Presa Canario

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Specialty Dog Breeders

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Presa Canario Breeders

Established in 1998, Cabeza Grande Kennel is a preservation breeder, dedicated to improving the state of the Presa Canario in the United States. Our dogs are bred for health, temperament, working ability and conformity to true Spanish Presa Canario type. We strive for the “total” Presa. We offer breeding services, as well as puppies for sale. Should you decide to buy a Presa Canario from us, we would like to thank you and welcome you into our Presa Canario family!

Studs Females

Dog Breeders

Committed to Providing the Best Companion for Your Family

Our dog breeders are committed to our Presa Canario and to their eventual owners. To that end, we stand by promises of responsible breeding practices, proper raising and training, and stringent testing. Every Presa Canario we breed will:

  • Conform to the 1989 Original Breed Standard and be Eligible for UKC, AKC and FCI Registration.
  • Be UKC DNA and Embark DNA tested to ensure both purity and health, testing for over 250 different genetic diseases.
  • Be OFA’d, PennHIP’d or evaluated via other diagnostic imaging tests to show they’re free from Canine Hip Dysplasia.
  • Be temperament tested to assure strong and stable temperaments.
  • Thoughtfully bred, with emphasis on pairing dams and sires to complement strengths and weaknesses.

From Working Champions to Companion GuardiansPresa Canario Puppy

The Spanish Presa Canario is an impressive specimen. Calm, attentive and diligent in any task they’re set to, these dogs come from a rich history of excellence. Today, Cabeza Grande Kennel strives to continue this excellence, staying true to the purebred roots of this noble lineage of dogs. We believe in improving the condition of the breed today. It is our mission to produce great companions, workers, and examples of the breed—and then to place them with equally great owners. Well-rounded Canary dogs are one with a title at both ends, with health and temperament to match!

Our dams and sires must pass stringent criteria before being considered for our breeding program. All dogs are health and temperament tested, and we have the most and highest Schutzhund, Obedience and Tracking titled dogs of the breed in the USA! From 2013- to present, up to half of the top 10 UKC Perro de Presa Canario in the United States were bred and/or owned by us.

As experienced Presa Canario breeders, we know what it takes to produce award-winning litters. Much more than putting 2 dogs together, we take the time to breed and raise dogs destined for excellence.

Our Presa puppies are raised inside, in environments specifically designed to foster their natural traits and strong developmental behaviors. We provide age-appropriate mental and physical stimulation beginning at three days old—early neurological stimulus helps build better stress reactors as adults. Toys, objects, sounds, and surfaces are all very important to the development of sound adult dogs. The result is a well-rounded dog that’s true-to-breed and ready for a long, happy life—whether as a guardian, companion or champion.

Our goal…

It’s our goal to place our puppies with qualified owners. We may ask you a lot of questions—some you may not expect. Rest assured, our intention isn’t to offend—it’s to ensure the best possible placement. We also like to stay in contact with new owners. And, if it’s a show quality puppy, we would like to help you get into showing if you’re not already. If the working aspects are what interest you, we’ll help you find a good trainer. Our dogs are a big part of our life, not just our livelihood!

Canary Dogs

Find Your Ideal Dog

Interested in learning more about Presa Canario dogs and their capabilities? Have your heart set on a Presa puppy from a long lineage of purebreds? Contact us today and our specialty dog breeders will be sure to answer your questions.

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