Author Archives: Danni Petersen

What to Know About the Presa Canario Breed

The presa canario breed might not be a familiar one to most Americans, but those who have their own know that they’re a loyal, friendly breed who can act as powerful guard dogs and pleasant companions. You may have heard them referred to as Canary mastiffs, a nod to their original home in the Canary […]

Where Did the Presa Canario Come From?

At Cabeza Grande Kennel, we are quite fond of the presa canario, and enjoy training and loving these dogs every day. But what exactly is the history of the presa canario, and where did the breed come from? Here’s a brief overview of the history of this breed of dog. The background It is believed […]

Does the Presa Canario Make for a Good Family Dog?

The Presa Canario is not exactly a common dog here in the United States, and those who are familiar with it are likely to know it as a guard dog. But there is plenty of reason to bring a Presa Canario home to your family! Here’s some information about the Presa Canario to give you […]

What to Know About Presa Canarios

The big Spanish pup known as the Presa Canario is becoming increasingly popular in the United States, largely because of its combination of being affectionate and intelligent. But many people are still unfamiliar with this breed of dog. Here are a few things you should know about presa canarios. General facts Just to get a […]